Midnight Snack Case Study


Have a Snack

Midnight Snack is an animation company inspired by wild imaginations and big ideas. Currently, they are a small team that provides fun and delicious videos that grab your attention. Midnight Snack was looking for a new site with a slick look that could spotlight their splashy portfolio.


Context and Challenge

Time span: 4 weeks
Software: Squarespace, Photoshop
Challenge: New website that tastes great!

Main Goals

  1. Give users easy access to portfolio work. 
  2. Make it easy for a client to contact them. 
  3. Show off a slick look that feels like Midnight Snack's animations. 

Mockup of Home page

First, we got rid of the background video because it was too busy for users. The showreel could now be found below the mission statement with a button. Next, the contact form was dropped to make the home page even shorter; however, an email address was added below their phone number.
